Аккаунты / Аккаунт Фейсит 10 лвл ~2510
Аккаунт Фейсит 10 лвл ~2510

Предзаказ, ожидаемое время доставки - до 15 рабочих дней. Включает аккаунт Steam/Faceit и родную почту.

Быстрая Доставка
Faceit 10 lvl+

After purchasing this product you will receive the following:

  • Faceit/Steam login and password
  • Original e-mail address and password

WARNING! We do not buy or resell other people's accounts. All accounts are made directly by Eloboss team. This way we guarantee a safe future for your steam account - you do not have to worry about the account you are buying. Since steam accounts we sell have no payment history - you can make it your main account or test yourself on a new level without fear of losing your account. This account can also be used on Esportal and ESEA.